When applying for a mortgage, certain rules must be followed so that you are able to secure financing and successfully close escrow.
- Thou shall not change jobs, become self-employed or quit your job. When applying for a mortgage, job consistency and security is one of the key elements of the approval process. If you change jobs, you have to have worked at least 30 days and provide a paystub verifying at least a 30-day history. If you change the method of employment, wage earner to self-employed or commissioned, you may not be able to verify any income because the mortgage guidelines require a minimum of a 2-year history.
- Thou shall not buy a car, truck, or van (or you may be living in it)! This is a big deal. If you are approved for a mortgage loan and then buy a car, the added debt if you finance the car may make your commitment invalid. When qualifying for a mortgage, your income vs. your debt is analyzed, we actually check your credit right before closing and we require you to explain any inquiries on your credit report in writing as to who inquired, why, and whether new credit was extended as a result of those inquiries.
- Thou shall not use charge cards excessively or let your accounts fall behind. Since your credit report is what is used to verify your creditworthiness, and your willingness to pay back the mortgage loan, your credit is another key component of your mortgage approval. The higher your credit score the more likely you will get approved and the credit score will determine what interest rate you are qualified for.
- Thou shall not spend money you have set aside for closing. Buying a home is costly, between the down payment and your closing costs. Before you enter into any real estate transaction your mortgage professional should give you a good estimate of how much money you will need to close.
- Thou shall not omit debts or liabilities from your loan application. Getting a mortgage today is not like it was in the olden days (like prior to 2008), so if you omit debts or liabilities, we will find out about it. We do many background checks and verifications prior to closing a loan.
- Thou shall not buy furniture or appliances on credit before the close of escrow. Any added debt can affect your qualifying for your loan. If we discover this prior to closing on that last-minute credit check your rate and approval can be affected.
- Thou shall not originate any inquiries into your credit. Same as above, this can cause your credit score to be affected and thus affect your rate and approval.
- Thou shall not make large deposits without first checking with your loan officer. All Large deposits need to explain and verified. It is not good enough to say that someone returned a loan, or it was cash in the house or someone gave it to you without verification, documentation, and written explanations. Banks want to make sure that you are not taking on additional debt if these deposits were loans. It doesn’t matter how good your credit is, how much money you have in the bank or how much you earn all large deposits are verified.
- Thou shall not change bank accounts. If you need to change accounts, discuss it with your loan officer. This creates a paperwork nightmare. We have to verify the withdrawal and deposit it into a new account. The most important thing to watch out for is that many banks put a hold on the initial deposit, even if it is a certified or bank check for 10 business days and this can affect your ability to get a certified check for your closing and you may have to delay your closing.
- Thou shall not co-sign a loan for anyone. A cosigned loan is the same as your loan. The debt is on your credit as if it was yours. It affects your borrowing ability. After a year’s time, most lenders will accept 12 months of canceled checks from the other party and then the debt will not affect you except if it is delinquent.
Mortgage Information Courtesy of:
Lyndi Mallory